Opening event of the "Klangforum Titz"/Germany, with music from opera, operettes, lied and
The "Klangforum Titz" is another new location of the "Institute of Vocal Arts Helene Ziebarth" in
cooperation with "Piano Koshino Europe" and "Scheunenatelier Membach"/Belgium. Here will be held in the
near future concerts, seminars and workshops.
May 1st
Masterclass Helene Ziebarth at the Norwegian Opera in Oslo/Norway
May 9th - 14th
"4th. International Summer Course of Vocal Arts" in Kolbotn/Norway.
Workshops for Level I, Level II and Masterclass.
June 20th - July 8th
"2nd. Kaiserswerth Vocalsummer" , Düsseldorf/Germany,
Masterclass and Concerts, July 23th - 31st
Voice Course in Ottawa/Canada, August 14th - 21st
Masterclass Helene Ziebarth at the National Opera in Oslo/Norway,
October 3rd - 8th
Four performances of the opera composed by August Enna, "The Little Match Girl" after H. Chr. Andersen,
in Düsseldorf and Euskirchen/Germany.
November and December 2005
Concert with excerpts from the first and last opera by W.A.Mozart, Düsseldorf/ Germany
"3. International Summer Course of Vocal Arts" in Kolbotn/Norway,
Workshop of different levels
"1st Kaiserswerth Vocal Summer", Düsseldorf/Germany,
Masterclass and three finalconcerts
Performances of the opera composed by August Enna, "The Little Match Girl" after H. Chr. Andersen